You aren't alone. Realizing that others, probably those in your own sphere of friends may also be going through the same issues of self-doubt and depression can often help. We've entered a "new epidemic" of fear, and doubt which can often be self-inflicted. Fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. We manifest many things in our own head that are based on our own perceptions and believes. This is rarely based on reality.
Talk to someone. If the person seems dismissive, talk to someone else. Sometimes some of us are just horse's asses. If you have a friend, family member, or whoever, that doesn't take your concerns seriously, it's probably their problem.
While professionals and support groups can help some of us feel trapped and just need someone to talk to. While health centers are improving their treatment of mental health issues are not always readily available to anyone, and some of us are already too scared to talk to someone if we think they are judging us.
Step away and do some self-inquiry while seeking out and talking to people with similar thoughts. Seek the experience and strength of others that have already gone through it. There is a ton already written about exercise and mental health. There is also a lot written about the benefits of sunshine on mental health. Go outside, take a deep breath and just think about what you are grateful for.
In general, try to find something, anything that makes you feel like you want to feel. Feeling crappy, worrying, being all stressed out and anxious just isn't worth it. How does it help you? Are you better off thinking about these things? They are out of your control. We have to let go of anything we can't control which is anything outside our own mind and body.
A healthy you means that you will produce more. Remember, everything you need for life you learned in kindergarten. It goes like this: Row, Row, Row your boat (whose boat, your boat, no one else's), gently down the stream (not all stressed out about the current, and being late, or if the stream leads to a waterfall, but gently down the stream), merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream (not full of fear and doubt, life is not a nightmare unless you make it one). Taking time out to care for yourself will make your work better.
Look out for those around you. Be of service to others. It can be easy to forget how hard life can be once you're on the other side of it. People all around you may be busy dealing with family issues, kids, academic issues, business issues, and more. However, that doesn't excuse us from ignoring the human beings in front of us. Try to be a human being, and not a human doing. Sometimes a simple "good morning" is enough to get someone to talking that may need a little help getting pointed in the right direction.
I'm not an expert on mental health. I don't think I've ever taken a class in psychology or mental health, however, I do know that when I talk to someone about things going on in my head, I get more clarity. Sharing my experience and listening to the experience of others helps me. It shouldn't be normal to suffer through depression, anxiety, worry, or fear in silence, anxiety isn't just "part of the game," and things really can get better. It's up to all of us to ensure that they do.
Talk to someone about anything, no judgment here - Talk to someone about anything, no judgment here
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