Sleeping disorders are known to be one of the common symptoms of depression. However, the relationship between insomnia and depression is more complicated where one effects another and vise versa.
The key factor is Melatonin - "the hormone of darkness".
"What is Melatonin
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone secreted by the pineal gland, a pea-size structure at the center of the brain. As our eyes register the fall of darkness and the onset of night melatonin is produced. It signals to our body to prepare for sleep, our blood pressure dips, there is a decrease in body temperature and we start to feel sleepy
Melatonin & Depression
Melatonin is an important nighttime hormone associated with sleep and regeneration. However, excessive levels or daytime melatonin can cause depressive disorders. Medical research confirms the relationship between melatonin and mood disorders. The following paragraphs explain how melatonin works and why it causes depression.
Darkness & Melatonin
Melatonin is normally released by the pineal gland in the evening as sunlight is diminishing. Melatonin causes us to feel tired and withdraw. This helps us to sleep, but if we have to be awake when melatonin is in our system, we become lethargic, disoriented, irritable and moody. This explains why shift work and jet lag can be so debilitating, and why depression rates are highest in darker climates. Almost everyone with a mood disorder suffers worse in the winter because of excess melatonin in his or her system."
Thus you are right to make a conclusion that sunlight is one of the tips on how to cure depression. It may sound simple yet be difficult to follow. When depressed we tend to seek for dark colors. Even subconsciously you will wear dark-colored clothes, sit at home with drawn curtains, place dark-colored furniture in your room and think that you feel comfortable, while your melatonin levels grow higher and worsen your state little by little. All you need to stop it is to go for a walk. Shopping can be a nice idea if you decide to buy some bright-colored clothes. Especially it will be useful to take some friends with you which is both fun and can help to improve your mood.
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